We trust that our doctors and medical teams are looking out for us. After all, they have the training and education they need to diagnose and treat health problems. But when treatment fails or conditions worsen, it may be the fault of your healthcare providers. While most cases of medical malpractice are not intentional, they can be a big problem. It’s still the responsibility of medical professionals to provide the right level of care and treatment. When they fail to do so, you can work with medical malpractice lawyers in Tyler, Texas, to get compensation for your mistreatment. Here are some signs to look out for that could indicate you have a case for a medical malpractice lawsuit.
Continued or Worsening Condition
When a doctor diagnoses you with a medical concern, they should prescribe you some kind of treatment to remedy the issue. This could be medicine, physical therapy, or even surgery. If you go through the whole treatment process and your condition continues or gets worse, it could be that your doctor provided an inaccurate diagnosis or prescribed the wrong treatment.
Doctor Only Ordered Basic Lab Tests
Basic lab tests are a great way to narrow down health concerns and pinpoint a specific problem. But serious diseases and health issues need extensive testing to diagnose. If you suffer from extreme illness symptoms and your doctor doesn’t order advanced testing, it’s a likely sign that they aren’t taking your health care seriously and could be at fault for medical malpractice. On the other hand, you may be given a hefty diagnosis after just basic testing. And there’s a high probability that you were misdiagnosed, as your doctor most likely didn’t have all the information needed to validate the diagnosis.
Failure to Follow Up
Healthcare can be complex. But it’s your doctor’s job to make sure they do everything they can to provide the best care possible. Most visits to a doctor are just the start of figuring out an issue and providing treatment. And it’s your doctor’s responsibility to be the one following up on your visits. Your doctor may fail to check in on your situation or order the necessary tests required for diagnosis. If so, you could have a case of medical malpractice on your hands. The same is true if a doctor suggests certain treatment options but fails to schedule or prescribe them.
How Medical Malpractice Lawyers in Tyler, Texas, Can Help
If you think you were misdiagnosed, received inaccurate treatment, or were further injured during treatment, you deserve compensation for your troubles. Your doctor should always take your healthcare seriously. But when they don’t, medical malpractice lawyers in Tyler, Texas, can help. Lawyers like Attorney Vickery have the knowledge and experience you need to successfully pursue a medical malpractice claim. If you suspect medical malpractice for yourself or a loved one, contact the Vickery Law Firm today at (903) 504-5490 or ron@vickerylawfirm.com.